Publications - Herbert Buchner

Some brief research summaries can be found here.

Book Chapters

[B13-1] G. Enzner, H. Buchner, A. Favrot, and F. Kuech, "Acoustic Echo Control," In R. Chellappa and S. Theodoridis (eds.), Academic Press Library in Signal Processing, Elsevier/Academic Press, Oct 2013.

[B10-1] H. Buchner and W. Kellermann, "TRINICON for dereverberation of speech and audio signals," In P.A. Naylor and N.D. Gaubitch (eds.), Speech Dereverberation, Springer-Verlag, London, pp. 311-385, Jul. 2010.

[B08-2] S. Spors, H. Buchner, and R. Rabenstein, "Spatio-temporal adaptive inverse filtering in the wave domain," In E. Hänsler and G. Schmidt (eds.), Topics in Speech and Audio Processing in Adverse Environments, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 551-583, Aug. 2008.

[B08-1] R. Aichner, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "Convolutive blind source separation for noisy mixtures," In E. Hänsler and G. Schmidt (eds.), Topics in Speech and Audio Processing in Adverse Environments, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 469-524, Aug. 2008.

[B07-1] H. Buchner, R. Aichner, and W. Kellermann, "TRINICON-based blind system identification with application to multiple-source localization and separation," In S. Makino, T.-W. Lee, and S. Sawada (eds.), Blind Speech Separation, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 101-147, Sept. 2007.

[B04-1] H. Buchner, R. Aichner, and W. Kellermann, "Blind source separation for convolutive mixtures: A unified treatment," In Y.Huang and J. Benesty (eds.), Audio Signal Processing for Next-Generation Multimedia Communication Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston/Dordrecht/London, pp. 255-293, Feb 2004.

[B03-1] H. Buchner, J. Benesty, and W. Kellermann, "Multichannel frequency-domain adaptive filtering with application to acoustic echo cancellation," In J.Benesty and Y.Huang (eds.), Adaptive signal processing: Application to real-world problems, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 95-128, Feb 2003.

Journal Papers

[J17-1] E. Petersen, H. Buchner, M. Eger, and P. Rostalski, "Convolutive blind source separation of surface EMG measurements of the respiratory muscles," Biomedical Engineering/Biomedizinische Technik, vol. 62, no. 2, pp. 171-181, De Gruyter, Apr. 2017.

[J13-2] K. Helwani, S. Spors, and H. Buchner, "The synthesis of sound figures," Journal on Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (MDSSP), Springer, Nov. 2013.

[J13-1] K. Helwani, H. Buchner, J. Benesty, and J. Chen, "A single-channel MVDR filter for acoustic echo suppression," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 351-354, Apr. 2013.

[J11-1] A. Lombard, Y. Zheng, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "TDOA estimation for multiple sound sources in noisy and reverberant environments using broadband independent component analysis," IEEE Trans. Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 19, no. 6, pp. 1490-1503, Aug. 2011.

[J07-2] S. Spors, H. Buchner, R. Rabenstein, and W. Herbordt, "Active listening room compensation for massive multichannel sound reproduction systems using wave-domain adaptive filtering," Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 122, no. 1, pp. 354-369, Jul. 2007.

[J07-1] W. Herbordt, H. Buchner, S. Nakamura, and W. Kellermann, "Multichannel bin-wise robust frequency-domain adaptive filtering and its application to adaptive beamforming," IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 1340-1351, May 2007.

[J06-1] R. Aichner, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "Exploiting Narrowband Efficiency for Broadband Convolutive Blind Source Separation," EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, vol. 2007, Sept. 2006.

[J05-3] R. Aichner, H. Buchner, F. Yan, and W. Kellermann, "A Real-Time Blind Source Separation Scheme and its Application to Reverberant and Noisy Environments," Signal Processing, vol. 86, no. 6, pp. 1260-1277, June 2006.

[J05-2] H. Buchner, J. Benesty, T. Gaensler, and W. Kellermann, "Robust Extended Multidelay Filter and Double-talk Detector for Acoustic Echo Cancellation," IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 1633-1644, Sept. 2006.

[J05-1] H. Buchner, R. Aichner, and W. Kellermann, "A Generalization of Blind Source Separation Algorithms for Convolutive Mixtures Based on Second Order Statistics," IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 120-134, Jan 2005. IEEE Signal Processing Society Young Author Best Paper Award.

[J04-1] H. Buchner, J. Benesty, and W. Kellermann, "Generalized Multichannel Frequency-Domain Adaptive Filtering: Efficient Realization and Application to Hands-Free Speech Communication," Signal Processing, vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 549-570, March 2005.

[J03-1] W. Herbordt, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "An Acoustic Human-Machine Front-End for Multimedia Applications," EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, Vol. 2003, No. 1, pp. 21-31, Jan 2003.

Papers in Conference or Workshop Proceedings

[C19-2] H. Buchner, K. Helwani, and S. Godsill, "Unsupervised Bayesian estimation and tracking of time-varying convolutive multichannel systems," Proc. Int. Conf. on Information Fusion (FUSION), Ottawa, ON, Canada, Jul. 2019.

[C19-1] H. Buchner, K. Helwani, and S. Godsill, "Blind signal processing for time-varying convolutive mixing systems based on sequence estimation on partly smooth manifolds," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 7913-7917, Brighton, UK, May 2019.

[C17-1] H. Buchner, K. Helwani, B.I. Ahmad, and S. Godsill, "Efficient adaptive filtering in compressive domains for sparse systems and relation to transform-domain adaptive filtering," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pp. 3859-3863, New Orleans, LA, USA, Mar. 2017.

[C16-2] H. Buchner, E. Petersen, M. Eger, and P. Rostalski, "Convolutive blind source separation on surface EMG signals for respiratory diagnostics and medical ventilation control," Proc. Int. Conf. of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Orlando, FL, USA, Aug. 2016.

[C16-1] H. Buchner, J. Skoglund, and S. Godsill, "An acoustic keystroke transient canceler for speech communication terminals using a semi-blind adaptive filter model," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Shanghai, China, Mar. 2016.

[C15-2] H. Buchner, K. Helwani, and S. Godsill, "Adaptive dynamical systems in compressive domains as a manifold learning framework," Conf. Rec. Int. Workshop on Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations (SPARS), Cambridge, UK, Jul. 2015.

[C15-1] S. Godsill, H. Buchner, and J. Skoglund, "Detection and suppression of keyboard transient noise in audio streams with auxiliary keybed microphone," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Brisbane, Australia, April 2015.

[C14-2] K. Helwani and H. Buchner, "Multichannel adaptive filtering in compressive domains," Conf. Rec. Intl. Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), Antibes, France, Sept. 2014.

[C14-1] K. Helwani and H. Buchner, "Adaptive filtering in compressive domains," UCL-Duke Workshop on Sensing and Analysis of High-Dimensional Data (SAHD), London, UK, Sept. 2014.

[C13-3] K. Helwani, H. Buchner, J. Benesty, and J. Chen, "Multichannel acoustic echo suppression," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.

[C13-2] H. Huang, J. Benesty, J. Chen, K. Helwani, and H. Buchner, "A study on the MVDR filter for acoustic echo suppression," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.

[C13-1] K. Helwani and H. Buchner, "On the eigenspace estimation for supervised multichannel system identification," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Vancouver, Canada, May 2013.

[C12-4] T. Rettberg, K. Helwani, S. Spors, and H. Buchner, "Practical aspects of the calibration of spherical microphone arrays," Proc. 38th Annual German Conf. on Acoustics (DAGA), Darmstadt, Germany, March 2012.

[C12-3] K. Helwani, T. Rettberg, H. Buchner, and S. Spors, "Towards a modular system for real-time multiple-input/multiple-output audio processing," Proc. 38th Annual German Conf. on Acoustics (DAGA), Darmstadt, Germany, March 2012.

[C12-2] K. Helwani, H. Buchner, and S. Spors, " Multichannel adaptive filtering with sparseness constraints," Conf. Rec. Intl. Workshop on Acoustic Signal Enhancement (IWAENC), Aachen, Germany, Sept. 2012.

[C12-1] K. Helwani, S. Spors, and H. Buchner, "How to design a delay-and-sum beamformer for rigid rotationally symmetric arrays?," Proc. Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Nov. 2012.

[C11-2] K. Helwani, S. Spors, and H. Buchner, "Spatio-temporal signal preprocessing for multichannel acoustic echo cancellation," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague, Czech Rep, May 2011.

[C11-1] K. Helwani, H. Buchner, and S. Spors, "Calibration of microphone arrays with arbitrary geometries," Proc. 37th Annual German Conf. on Acoustics (DAGA), Duesseldorf, Germany, March 2011.

[C10-6] H. Buchner, "A systematic approach to incorporate deterministic prior knowledge in broadband adaptive MIMO systems," Proc. Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Nov. 2010.

[C10-5] K. Helwani, H. Buchner, and S. Spors, "On the robust and efficient computation of the Kalman gain for multichannel adaptive filtering with application to acoustic echo cancellation," Proc. Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Nov. 2010.

[C10-4] H. Buchner and K. Helwani, "On the relation between blind system identification and subspace tracking and associated generalizations," Proc. Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Nov. 2010.

[C10-3] H. Buchner and W. Kellermann, "Speech dereverberation by blind adaptive MIMO filtering exploiting nongaussianity, nonwhiteness, and nonstationarity," Proc. VDE/ITG Conf. on Speech Communication, Bochum, Germany, Oct. 2010.

[C10-2] H. Buchner, "Enthallung und Trennung von Sprachsignalen mittels blinder adaptiver MIMO-Filterung," Proc. Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV), Berlin, Germany, Sept. 2010. In German.

[C10-1] K. Helwani, H. Buchner, and S. Spors, "Source-domain adaptive filtering for MIMO systems with application to acoustic echo cancellation," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Dallas, TX, USA, Mar. 2010.

[C09-2] S. Spors, H. Buchner, and K. Helwani, "Block-based multichannel transform-domain adaptive filtering," Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 2009.

[C09-1] A. Lombard, T. Rosenkranz, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "Multidimensional localization of multiple sound sources using averaged directivity patterns of blind source separation systems," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 233-236, April 2009.

[C08-8] H. Buchner and S. Spors, "A general derivation of wave-domain adaptive filtering and application to acoustic echo cancellation," Proc. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, Oct. 2008.

[C08-7] H. Buchner, R. Aichner, and W. Kellermann, "The TRINICON framework for adaptive MIMO signal processing with focus on the generic Sylvester constraint," Proc. ITG Conf. on Speech Communication, Aachen, Germany, Oct. 2008.

[C08-6] H. Buchner, "Acoustic echo cancellation for multiple reproduction channels: From first principles to real-time solutions," Proc. ITG Conf. on Speech Communication, Aachen, Germany, Oct. 2008. Best Paper Award.

[C08-5] A. Lombard, T. Rosenkranz, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "Exploiting the self-steering capacity of blind source separation to localize two or more sound sources in adverse environments," Proc. ITG Conf. on Speech Communication, Aachen, Germany, Oct. 2008.

[C08-4] S. Spors and H. Buchner, "Multichannel transform domain adaptive filtering: A two stage approach and illustration for acoustic echo cancellation," Conf. Rec. Intl. Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Seattle, WA, USA, Sept. 2008.

[C08-3] A. Lombard, W. Kellermann, and H. Buchner, "A real-time demonstrator for the 2D localization of two sound sources using blind adaptive MIMO system identification," Conf. Rec. Joint Workshop on Hands-Free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays (HSCMA), Trento, Italy, May 2008.

[C08-2] H. Buchner and W. Kellermann, "A fundamental relation between blind and supervised adaptive filtering illustrated for blind source separation and acoustic echo cancellation," Conf. Rec. Joint Workshop on Hands-Free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays (HSCMA), Trento, Italy, May 2008. Invited presentation.

[C08-1] S. Spors and H. Buchner, "Efficient massive multichannel active noise control using wave-domain adaptive filtering," IEEE Int. Symp. on Communications, Control, and Signal Processing (ISCCSP), St. Julians, Malta, Mar. 2008. Invited presentation.

[C07-5] S. Spors and H. Buchner, "An approach to massive multichannel broadband feedforward active noise control using wave-domain adaptive filtering," IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA), New Paltz, NY, USA, Oct. 2007.

[C07-4] S. Wehr, A. Lombard, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "'Shadow BSS' for blind source separation in rapidly time-varying acoustic scenes," Seventh Int. Conf. on Independent Component Analysis and Signal Separation (ICA), vol. 4666 of LNCS, pp. 560-568, London, UK, Springer, Sept. 2007.

[C07-3] A. Lombard, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "Improved wideband blind adaptive system identification using decorrelation filters for the localization of multiple speakers," Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), New Orleans, LA, USA, May 2007.

[C07-2] J. Herre, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "Acoustic echo cancellation for surround sound using perceptually motivated convergence enhancement," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Honolulu, HI, USA, April 2007.

[C07-1] R. Aichner, H. Buchner, M. Zourub, and W. Kellermann, "Multi-channel source separation preserving spatial information," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Honolulu, HI, USA, April 2007.

[C06-7] A. Lombard, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "Multidimensional localization of multiple sound sources using blind adaptive MIMO system identification," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI), Heidelberg, Germany, Sept. 2006. Best Paper Award.

[C06-6] S. Spors, H. Buchner, and R. Rabenstein, "Eigenspace adaptive filtering for efficient pre-equalization of acoustic MIMO systems," Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Florence, Italy, Sept. 2006.

[C06-5] R. Aichner, M. Zourub, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "Post-processing for convolutive blind source separation," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Toulouse, France, May 2006. Best Student Paper Award.

[C06-4] W. Kellermann, H. Buchner, and R. Aichner, "Separating convolutive mixtures with TRINICON," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Toulouse, France, May 2006. Invited Paper.

[C06-3] R. Aichner, H. Buchner, S. Wehr, and W. Kellermann, "Robustness of acoustic multiple-source localization in adverse environments," Proc. ITG Conf. on Speech Communication, Kiel, Germany, April 2006.

[C06-2] R. Aichner, M. Zourub, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "Residual cross-talk and noise suppression for convolutive blind source separation," Proc. 32nd Annual German Conf. on Acoustics (DAGA), Braunschweig, Germany, March 2006.

[C06-1] R. Aichner, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "A novel normalization and regularization scheme for broadband convolutive blind source separation," Proc. Sixth Int. Conf. on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Signal Separation (ICA), vol. 3889 of LNCS, pp. 527-525, Charleston, SC, USA, Springer, March 2006.
Proceedings published by the LNCS series of the Springer-Verlag.

[C05-7] W. Herbordt, H. Buchner, S. Nakamura, and W. Kellermann, "Outlier-robust DFT-domain adaptive filtering for bin-wise stepsize controls, and its application to a generalized sidelobe canceller," Conf. Rec. Intl. Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 2005.

[C05-6] W. Herbordt, H. Buchner, S. Nakamura, and W. Kellermann, "Application of a Double-Talk Resilient DFT-Domain Adaptive Filter for Bin-wise Stepsize Controls to Adaptive Beamforming," Conf. Rec. Int. Workshop on Nonlinear Signal and Image Processing (NSIP), Sapporo, Japan, May 2005.

[C05-5] H. Buchner, R. Aichner, and W. Kellermann, "Relation between Blind System Identification and Convolutive Blind Source Separation," Conf. Rec. Joint Workshop on Hands-Free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays (HSCMA), Piscataway, NJ, USA, March 2005. Download my slides (pdf).

[C05-4] W. Herbordt, S. Nakamura, S. Spors, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "Wave Field Cancellation using Wave-Domain Adaptive Filtering," Conf. Rec. Joint Workshop on Hands-Free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays (HSCMA), Piscataway, NJ, USA, March 2005.

[C05-3] W. Kellermann, H. Buchner, and R. Aichner, "Multichannel Acoustic Signal Processing for Speech Acquisition," Conf. Rec. Joint Workshop on Hands-Free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays (HSCMA), Piscataway, NJ, USA, March 2005. Keynote paper.

[C05-2] H. Buchner, R. Aichner, J. Stenglein, H. Teutsch, and W. Kellermann, "Simultaneous Localization of Multiple Sound Sources using Blind Adaptive MIMO Filtering," Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Philadelphia, PA, USA, March 2005.

[C05-1] R. Aichner, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "On the Causality Problem in Time-Domain Blind Source Separation and Deconvolution Algorithms," Proc. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Philadelphia, PA, USA, March 2005.

[C04-10] R. Aichner, H. Buchner, F. Yan, and W. Kellermann, "Real-Time Convolutive Blind Source Separation based on a Broadband Approach," Proc. IEEE Int. Symposium on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation (ICA), vol. 3195 of LNCS, pp. 840-848, Granada, Spain, Springer, September 2004.
Proceedings published by the LNCS series of the Springer-Verlag.
click here for audio examples

[C04-9] S. Spors, H. Buchner, and R. Rabenstein, "Adaptive Listening Room Compensation for Spatial Audio Systems," Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Vienna, Austria, September 2004.

[C04-8] H. Buchner, S. Spors, W. Herbordt, and W. Kellermann, "Wave-Domain Adaptive Filtering for Acoustic Human-Machine Interfaces based on Wavefield Analysis and Synthesis," Proc. European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Vienna, Austria, September 2004. Download my slides (pdf).

[C04-7] H. Buchner, R. Aichner, and W. Kellermann, "TRINICON: A Versatile Framework for Multichannel Blind Signal Processing," Conf. Rec. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Montreal, Canada, vol. 3, pp. 889-892, May 2004. Download my slides (pdf).

[C04-6] S. Spors, H. Buchner, and R. Rabenstein, "A Novel Approach to Active Listening Room Compensation for Wave Field Synthesis Using Wave-Domain Adaptive Filtering," Conf. Rec. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Montreal, Canada, vol. 4, pp. 29-32, May 2004.

[C04-5] H. Buchner, S. Spors, and W. Kellermann, "Wave-Domain Adaptive Filtering: Acoustic Echo Cancellation for Full-Duplex Systems Based on Wave-Field Synthesis," Conf. Rec. IEEE Intl. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Montreal, Canada, vol. 4, pp. 117-120, May 2004.

[C04-4] S. Spors, H. Buchner, and R. Rabenstein, "Efficient Active Listening Room Compensation for Wave Field Synthesis," Conf. Rec. AES 116th Convention, Berlin, Germany, May 2004.

[C04-3] H. Buchner, S. Spors, and W. Kellermann, "Full-Duplex Systems for Sound Field Recording and Auralization Based on Wave Field Synthesis," Conf. Rec. AES 116th Convention, Berlin, Germany, May 2004.

[C04-2] W. Kellermann, H. Buchner, W. Herbordt, and R. Aichner, "Multichannel Acoustic Signal Processing for Human/Machine Interfaces - Fundamental Problems and Recent Advances," Conf. Rec. 18th Int. Congress on Acoustics, Kyoto, Japan, Apr 2004. Invited Paper.

[C04-1] R. Aichner, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "Convolutive Blind Source Separation for Noisy Mixtures," Proc. Joint Meeting of the German and the French Acoustical Societies (CFA/DAGA) , Strasbourg, France, pp. 583-584, March 2004.
click here for audio examples

[C03-10] W. Kellermann and H. Buchner, "Wideband Algorithms versus Narrowband Algorithms for Adaptive Filtering in the DFT Domain," Proc. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Pacific Grove, CA, USA, November 2003. Invited Paper.

[C03-9] H. Buchner, J. Benesty, T. Gaensler, and W. Kellermann, "An Outlier-Robust Extended Multidelay Filter with Application to Acoustic Echo Cancellation," Conf. Rec. IEEE Intl. Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 19-22, September 2003.

[C03-8] R. Aichner, W. Herbordt, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "Least-squares error beamforming using minimum statistics and multichannel frequency-domain adaptive filtering," Conf. Rec. IEEE Intl. Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 223-226, September 2003.
click here for audio examples

[C03-7] H. Buchner, R. Aichner, and W. Kellermann, "Blind Source Separation for Convolutive Mixtures Exploiting Nongaussianity, Nonwhiteness, and Nonstationarity," Conf. Rec. IEEE Intl. Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 275-278, September 2003.

[C03-6] W. Herbordt, H. Buchner, W. Kellermann, R. Rabenstein, S. Spors, and H. Teutsch, "Full-Duplex Multichannel Communication: Real-Time Implementations in a General Framework," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Baltimore, MD, USA, pp. 49-52, July 2003. Invited Paper.

[C03-5] F. Küch, W. Kellermann, W. Herbordt, and H. Buchner, "Acoustic Signal Processing for Distant Talking Speech Recognition: Nonlinear Echo Cancellation in a Generic Multichannel Interface," Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Nonlinear Signal Processing (NSIP), Trieste, Italy, June 2003. Invited Paper.

[C03-4] H. Buchner, J. Benesty, and W. Kellermann, "An Extended Multidelay Filter: Fast Low-Delay Algorithms for Very High-Order Adaptive Systems," Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Hong Kong, China, vol. 5, pp. 385-388, April 2003.

[C03-3] H. Buchner, R. Aichner, and W. Kellermann, "A Generalization of a Class of Blind Source Separation Algorithms for Convolutive Mixtures," Proc. Int. Symposium on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation (ICA), Nara, Japan, pp. 945-950, April 2003.

[C03-2] R. Aichner, H. Buchner, S. Araki, and S. Makino, "On-line Time-Domain Blind Source Separation of Nonstationary Convolved Signals," Proc. Int. Symposium on Independent Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation (ICA), Nara, Japan, pp. 987-992, April 2003.

[C03-1] R. Aichner, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "Comparison and a Theoretical Link Between Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Blind Source Separation," Proc. 29th Annual German Conf. on Acoustics (DAGA), Aachen, Germany, pp. 178-179, March 2003.

[C02-5] R. Rabenstein, H. Teutsch, H. Buchner, W. Herbordt, F. Küch, S. Spors, and L. Trautmann, "Spatial Sound Reproduction and the MPEG-4 Standard: The CARROUSO Project," in Proc. VDT Int. Audio Convention, Hannover, Germany, November 2002.

[C02-4] W. Kellermann, W. Herbordt, and H. Buchner, "Signalverarbeitung für akustische Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstellen," in Tagungsband zur 13. Konf. elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (ESSV), Dresden, Germany, pp. 49-57, September 2002.

[C02-3] W. Herbordt, J. Ying, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "A Real-Time Acoustic Human-Machine Front-End for Multimedia Applications Integrating Robust Adaptive Beamforming and Stereophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation," Proc. Int. Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP), Denver, CO, USA, vol.2, pp. 773-776, September 2002.

[C02-2] H. Buchner, S. Spors, W. Kellermann, and R. Rabenstein, "Full-Duplex Communication Systems with Loudspeaker Arrays and Microphone Arrays," Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Special session on coding and transmission formats for 3D audio, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2002.

[C02-1] H. Buchner and W. Kellermann, "Improved Kalman Gain Computation for Multichannel Frequency-Domain Adaptive Filtering and Application to Acoustic Echo Cancellation," Proc. IEEE Int. Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Orlando, FL, USA, pp. 1909-1912, May 2002.

[C01-4] H. Buchner and W. Kellermann, "An Acoustic Human-Machine Interface with Multi-Channel Sound Reproduction," Conf. Rec. IEEE Intl. Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Cannes, France, pp. 359-364, October 2001.

[C01-3] H. Buchner and W. Kellermann, "Acoustic Echo Cancellation for Two and More Reproduction Channels," Conf. Rec. IEEE Intl. Workshop on Acoustic Echo and Noise Control (IWAENC), Darmstadt, Germany, pp. 99-102, September 2001. Best Student Paper Award.

[C01-2] W. Herbordt, H. Buchner, and W. Kellermann, "Computationally Efficient Frequency-Domain Combination of Acoustic Echo Cancellation and Robust Adaptive Beamforming," Conf. Rec. EUROSPEECH 2001, Aalborg, Denmark, pp. 1001-1004, September 2001.

[C01-1] H. Buchner, W. Herbordt, and W. Kellermann, "An Efficient Combination of Multi-Channel Acoustic Echo Cancellation With a Beamforming Microphone Array," Conf. Rec. 1st IEEE Intl. Workshop on Hands-Free Speech Communication (HSC), Kyoto, Japan, pp. 55-58, April 2001.

Theses and Technical Reports

[R05-3] H. Buchner, "Complex Gradients and Hessians - A Unified Treatment and Application to TRINICON," Technical Memo, Telecommun. Lab., Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2005.

[R05-1] H. Buchner, "Newton-based ICA for Broadband Adaptive MIMO Filtering," Technical Memo, Telecommun. Lab., Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2005.

[R04-4] H. Buchner, "TRINICON and Supervised Adaptive MIMO Filtering," Technical Memo, Telecommunications Lab., Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2004.

[R04-3] H. Buchner, "Generalized Post-Processing for Multichannel Acoustic Echo Cancellation," Technical Memo, Telecommunications Lab., Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2004.

[R04-2] H. Buchner and R. Aichner, "The Generic Sylvester Constraint for TRINICON," Technical Memo, Telecommun. Lab., Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2004.
The main result of this memo is also published in the new book chapter [B07-1].

[R04-1] H. Buchner, "Blind MIMO System Identification and Application to Simultaneous Localization of Multiple Sound Sources in Reverberant Environments," Technical Memo, Telecommunications Lab., Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2004.

[R03-6] H. Buchner and R. Aichner, "Frequency-Domain TRINICON," Technical Memo, Telecommunications Lab., Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2003.

[R03-5] H. Buchner et al., "Wave-Domain Adaptive Filtering," Technical Memo, Telecommunications Lab., Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2003.

[R03-4] H. Buchner and R. Aichner, "TRINICON: Blind Adaptive Filtering for Convolutive Mixtures Exploiting Nongaussianity, Nonwhiteness, and Nonstationarity, and Derivation of the Natural Gradient Update" Technical Memo, Telecommunications Lab., Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2003.

[R03-3] H. Buchner, "A Novel Approach to Blind Deconvolution for Speech Dereverberation," Technical Memo, Telecommunications Lab., Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2003.

[R03-2] H. Buchner, "Freie Spracheingabe für das häusliche Umfeld," in Abschlussbericht zum EMBASSI-Projekt des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, Jul. 2003.

[R03-1] H. Buchner, "Untersuchungen zur Verbesserung der akustischen Echokompensation als Vorverarbeitung zur robusten Spracherkennung," in Zwischenbericht zum EMBASSI-Projekt des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, Feb. 2003.

[R02-3] H. Buchner, "Multimodale Sprecherlokalisierung zur freien Spracheingabe im Privatumfeld ," in Zwischenbericht zum EMBASSI-Projekt des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, Jul. 2002.

[R02-2] H. Buchner et al., "Efficient Realization of Multichannel Frequency-Domain Adaptive Filtering and Application to Hands-Free Speech Communication," Technical Memo, Telecommunications Lab., Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2002.
Similar to [J04-1] but contains an additional note on the combination of adaptive beamforming and echo cancellation on pp. 27-28.

[R02-1] H. Buchner, "Eine robuste akustische Sprecherlokalisation ," in Zwischenbericht zum EMBASSI-Projekt des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, Feb. 2002.

[R01-2] H. Buchner, "Eine akustische Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle mit automatischer Spracherkennung und mehrkanaliger Schallreproduktion," in Zwischenbericht zum EMBASSI-Projekt des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, Sept. 2001.

[R01-1] H. Buchner, "Echtzeitimplementierung einer einkanaligen akustischen Echokompensation und Voruntersuchungen für akustische Schnittstellen bei Multimedia-Endgeräten mit Spracherkennung," in Zwischenbericht zum EMBASSI-Projekt des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung, Feb. 2001.

[R00-2] H. Buchner, "Multichannel Acoustic Echo Cancellation: PC-Based Realtime System," Technical Memo, Telecommunications Lab., Univ. Erlangen-Nuremberg, 2000.

[R00-1] H. Buchner, "Hands-Free Man-Machine Audio Interfaces With Automatic Speech Recognition Systems And Multi-Channel Sound Reproduction," Diploma thesis XE689, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany, 174 pages, June 2000.

[R98-1] H. Buchner, "Image and Video Watermarking," Telecommunications Seminar on Data Hiding, Digital Watermarking and Secure Communications., Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, December 1998.

[R97-2] H. Buchner, "Efficient Modification of the Fast Projection Algorithm for Acoustic Echo Cancelers in Noncritically Sampled Subband Structure," project report, NTT Human Interface Labs., Tokyo, Japan, 83 pages, January 1997.

[R97-1] H. Buchner, "A Prefilter Approach for Acoustic Echo Cancellers in Subband Structure," project report, NTT Human Interface Labs., Tokyo, Japan, January 1997.

[R95-1] H. Buchner, "Design and Construction of High Frequency Circuits to Drive Semiconductor Lasers for Optical Data Links in the GHz Range," project report, Optical Computing Systems Center, Ft. Collins, CO, USA, 61 pages, July 1995.

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